WHEREAS, an election for Officers and Executive Board Delegates was conducted in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of SEIU Local 2015 and in accordance with Title IV of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act;

WHEREAS, a Nominations and Elections Notice was mailed to the membership on July 3, 2024;

WHEREAS, the Election Committee received nominating petitions from 10 individual candidates and 1 slate by August 5, 2024, the deadline for receipt of nominating petitions;

WHEREAS, upon review of candidate eligibility, the Election Committee determined on August 12, 2021 that 4 individual candidates and 1 slate submitted nominating petitions satisfied the eligibility requirements of Article 11 of the SEIU Local 2015 Constitution and Bylaws ;

WHEREAS, pursuant to Article XI, Section H, if any candidate who has been nominated in accordance with the requirements in the Constitution and Bylaws, he/she shall be deemed elected;

WHEREAS, no protests to the election were received by October 23, 2024, the deadline for submission of any such protests;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Election Committee hereby certifies the following results of the SEIU Local 2015 Union Officers and Executive Board Delegates election:

Region Position County First Name Last Name Sector/Industry (RVPs Only)
Statewide President Los Angeles Arnulfo De La Cruz
Statewide Executive Vice President Los Angeles Carmen Roberts
Statewide Executive VicePresident Los Angeles Dereck Smith
Statewide Executive VicePresident Los Angeles Kimberly Evon
Statewide 1st Vice President for IHSS Los Angeles Blanca Carias IHSS
Statewide 1st Vice President for NH Kern Christina Lockyer-White NH
1 Regional VicePresident Los Angeles Elisabeth Rodriguez NH
1 Regional VicePresident Los Angeles Leilani Reed IHSS
1 Regional Vice President Los Angeles Maria Cibrian IHSS
1 Regional Vice President Los Angeles Suk Kim IHSS
1 Regional Vice President Los Angeles Cheryl Stubbs IHSS
1 NH board delegate Los Angeles Alma Rivas NH
1 NH board delegate Los Angeles Keffer Issac NH
1 NH board delegate Los Angeles Marissa Avila NH
1 NH board delegate Los Angeles Robert Oronia NH
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Aida Nalbadian IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Alyze Henderson IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Anabel Luna IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Barbara Henderson IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Carol Thomas IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Cecili Xie Hu IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Chiquita Twyman IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Christine Nunez IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Clara Kim IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Connie Slaughter IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Datanya Shackelford IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Dina Lopez IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Donna Bernal IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Elen Jimenez R (Toledo) IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Eleazar Hernandez IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Elizabeth Sanchez IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Felix Reyes IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Fernando Parker IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Florence Reed IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Gum Ping Leung IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Grace Bates IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Horalia Jauregui IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Jeong Hee Kwak IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Jooana Amirian IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Juanita Chavez IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Judi Hsiu Li Han IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Leon Standifer IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Liming(Judy) Lu IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Maria Aguirre IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Maria Diaz IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Maria Torres IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Mary Grace Barrios IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Michele Reed IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Mirella Rosales Alvarado IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Nami Ok IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Okesha Reese IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Patricia Bedoya IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Patricia Mack IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Patricia Santana Bautista IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Pearl Gonzalez IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Rachelle Lewis IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Raffi Bezjian IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Renai Davis IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Rosa Andresen IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Rosemarie Ordonez IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Stephanie Rogers IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Su Ping Guo IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Susan Jirschefske IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Wulan Huang IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Young Soon Park IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Zoila Ramirez IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Denise Thompson IHSS
1 IHSS board delegate Los Angeles Monica Won IHSS
2 Regional Vice President San Bernardino Lesia Louro IHSS
2 Regional VicePresident Orange Maria Angelica AzpetiaLara NH
2 Regional VicePresident Ventura Susie Valencia IHSS
2 NH board delegate Orange Francisca Borja Gonzalez NH
2 NH board delegate San Diego Mona Bernabe NH
2 IHSS board delegate San Bernardino Berlinda Phommalayvane IHSS
2 IHSS board delegate San Bernardino Chue Berriel IHSS
2 IHSS board delegate SanBernardino Cindy Chim IHSS
2 IHSS board delegate San Bernardino Eufracia De La Paz IHSS
2 IHSS board delegate SanBernardino Henrene Barris IHSS
2 IHSS board delegate SanBernardino Isabel Bryan IHSS
2 IHSS board delegate San Bernardino Janice Mcdermott IHSS
2 IHSS board delegate San Bernardino Patrice Brown IHSS
2 IHSS board delegate San Bernardino Sheri Perez IHSS
2 IHSS board delegate SanBernardino Wendy Whitaker IHSS
2 IHSS board delegate Ventura Elizabeth De Los Santos IHSS
2 IHSS board delegate Ventura Juana Mendez IHSS
2 IHSS board delegate Ventura Vickey Manning IHSS
3 Regional Vice President Santa Cruz Charlie Walker IHSS
3 Regional VicePresident Fresno Martha Valladarez IHSS
3 Regional Vice President Fresno Nyla Montegomery NH
3 NH board delegate Fresno Elsa Osorio-Angeles NH
3 NH board delegate Monterey Richard Cancio NH
3 IHSS board delegate Fresno Alva Rodriguez IHSS
3 IHSS board delegate Fresno Apolonia Arzate De Valencia IHSS
3 IHSS board delegate Fresno Mary Lou Angel IHSS
3 IHSS board delegate Fresno Ofelia Maya De Ochoa IHSS
3 IHSS board delegate Fresno Olga Valle IHSS
3 IHSS board delegate Fresno Thomas Her IHSS
3 IHSS board delegate Fresno Wendy Davenport IHSS
3 IHSS board delegate Inyo Gina Martinez IHSS
3 IHSS board delegate Kings Destini Nava IHSS
3 IHSS board delegate Monterey Adriana Mendoza De Pena IHSS
3 IHSS board delegate San Benito Belen Martinez IHSS
3 IHSS board delegate Tulare Maria Paredez IHSS
3 IHSS board delegate Tulare Thomas Saragoza IHSS
4 Regional VicePresident Yuba Brenda Garner IHSS
4 Regional Vice President Solano Daphne Dunstan IHSS
4 Regional VicePresident Sacramento Sharon Duchessi IHSS
4 NH board delegate Sutter Angelica Huerta NH
4 NH board delegate Sacramento- Dhanwati Prasad NH
4 NH board delegate Yolo Susana Hernandez NH
4 NH board delegate San Joaquin Verna White NH
4 IHSS board delegate Sacramento Abdallah Awad IHSS
4 IHSS board delegate Sacramento Alvenia Scott IHSS
4 IHSS board delegate Sacramento Andrea Noble IHSS
4 IHSS board delegate Sacramento Charastina James IHSS
4 IHSS board delegate Sacramento Constance Adams Hill IHSS
4 IHSS board delegate Sacramento Kouassi Dagaré IHSS
4 IHSS board delegate Sacramento LARISA ZATUSEVSCHI IHSS
4 IHSS board delegate Sacramento Mindy Katz IHSS
4 IHSS board delegate Sacramento Racheal Hagan IHSS
4 IHSS board delegate San Joaquin Dorothy Taylor IHSS
4 IHSS board delegate San Joaquin Gina Castillano IHSS
4 IHSS board delegate San Joaquin Lupe Smith IHSS
4 IHSS board delegate Solano Minerva Chavez IHSS
4 IHSS board delegate Yolo Patricia Ornelas IHSS
4 IHSS board delegate Yuba Tracy Hammond IHSS
5 Regional VicePresident San Mateo Eusebio Vilchis NH
5 Regional Vice President Alameda Tamara Nghishakenwa IHSS
5 Regional VicePresident Santa Clara Yi Gao IHSS
5 Regional Vice President San Francisco Feng Chen IHSS
5 NH board delegate Marin Antonio Fabros NH
5 NH board delegate Santa Clara Carol Driver NH
5 NH board delegate Fred Amores NH
5 NH board delegate Quaniko Franklin NH
5 NH board delegate Richard Ly NH
5 NH board delegate Tina Banks NH
5 PA board delegate San Francisco Yan Zhen Guo PA
5 IHSS board delegate Alameda Amarylles Groce IHSS
5 IHSS board delegate Alameda B Jackson IHSS
5 IHSS board delegate Alameda Brenda Okoli-Ugbiyobo IHSS
5 IHSS board delegate Alameda Elaine (Yiling) Peng IHSS
5 IHSS board delegate Alameda Marilyn Austin-Smith IHSS
5 IHSS board delegate Alameda Juliann Coulter IHSS
5 IHSS board delegate Alameda Rosalba Castellanos IHSS
5 IHSS board delegate ContraCosta Benita Washington IHSS
5 IHSS board delegate Contra Costa Javeta Johnson IHSS
5 IHSS board delegate Marin Constance Barker IHSS
5 IHSS board delegate Napa Arminda Sanchez IHSS
5 IHSS board delegate San Francisco Boxinett King IHSS
5 IHSS board delegate San Francisco Delmy Campos Reyes IHSS
5 IHSS board delegate SanFrancisco Julienne Fisher IHSS
5 IHSS board delegate San Francisco Mei ju Liang IHSS
5 IHSS board delegate SanFrancisco Nicolasa (Claudia)Arevalo IHSS
5 IHSS board delegate San Francisco Qi Hua Zhao IHSS
5 IHSS board delegate San Mateo Marvin Hendrix IHSS
5 IHSS board delegate San Mateo Zhenguo Cai IHSS
5 IHSS board delegate Santa Clara Arcelia Gonzalez IHSS
5 IHSS board delegate Santa Clara Ceferina Fernandez IHSS
5 IHSS board delegate Santa Clara Danny Robinson IHSS


IHSS board delegate

Santa Clara

5 IHSS board delegate Santa Clara Ma Guadalupe Ruiz de Olvera IHSS
5 IHSS board delegate Santa Clara Margaita Lupercio IHSS
5 IHSS board delegate Santa Clara Ning Ning Kong IHSS
5 IHSS board delegate Santa Clara Salaia Copeland IHSS
5 IHSS board delegate Santa Clara Yueh Pi (Jessica) Chang IHSS
5 IHSS board delegate Santa Clara Catherine Trinh IHSS
5 IHSS board delegate Sonoma Bonita Graham IHSS
5 IHSS board delegate Sonoma Lorna Schrader IHSS
6 Regional Vice President Shasta Jackie Morganfield IHSS
6 Regional Vice President Humboldt Vivian Deniston IHSS
6 IHSS board delegate Del Norte Barbara Lopez-Cole IHSS
6 IHSS board delegate Colusa Olga Mendoza IHSS
6 IHSS board delegate Humboldt Antoinette Skiles IHSS
6 IHSS board delegate Lake Roseann Dimenco IHSS
6 IHSS board delegate Mendocino Juana Santa Cruz IHSS
6 IHSS board delegate Shasta Jerrika Salyers IHSS
6 IHSS board delegate Shasta Susan McMains IHSS

Respectfully submitted,
SEIU Local 2015 Election Committee
Dated this 23 day of October 2024